A Meditation to Clear & Balance Your Chakras

Yoga is my all-time FAV way to chi-up. Most of the YouTube Yoga Gurus that I practice with almost ALWAYS reference the need to keep the 7 main Chakras clear and aligned. Well, if you’ve never practiced yoga, meditation, or reiki, you may be wondering: What are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit term that translates to “wheel” or “disk”. As Yogi Cameron expressed, you can think of Charkas as wheels of free-flowing positive energy. It is imperative to keep these energy sources flowing and reduce the possibility of your chakras become blocked, as blocked chakras can lead to physical and spiritual ailments.  

If you do notice that you feel off-balanced or have persisting health issues that your health care professional has been unsuccessful in healing, then it is possible that you have a blocked Chakra or Chakras. Before consulting with an alternative healer, try the basic Chakra-Clearing Meditation below. Some people find that this is all they need.


A Basic Meditation for Clearing the Chakra System

  1. Sit comfortably, preferably with a straight back (use a straight-backed chair or sit against a wall for maximum effect), hands lose in the lap.

  2. Close your eyes and concentrate on deep breathing for several minutes, or until all the muscles begin to relax.

  3. Imagine a wheel (or mass) of red at the base of the spine (tailbone): imagine it pulsing slowly like hot embers (not flames). Feel it moving around and around, stirring up energy until the second wheel begins to turn.

  4. Above it, about two-three inches below your belly button, another wheel (or mass), this one orange, begins rotating and pulsing. This one is warmer, more like lava, its pulsing is hotter, more intense, and it isn't long until the third wheel begins to turn.

  5. Just below the solar plexus, a third wheel starts to rotate. This wheel is yellow and is made of actual flames that are burning and heating up until the fourth wheel begins to turn.

  6. Alongside the heart, but in the middle of the chest, imagine a fourth wheel beginning to turn. This one (you would think) would be hotter still, but instead, it is a warm green because it is cooled slightly by the fifth wheel.

  7. There is a fifth wheel, in the hollow of the throat, which is cool and blue (imagine it as being liquid - like water). The water is chilled by the sixth wheel.

  8. The sixth wheel is in the center of the head, just behind and slightly above the eyes. This wheel is a deep purple. As this wheel turns, there may be a sensation of tingling in the scalp and face until suddenly the tingles concentrate at the crown of the head.

  9. The seventh wheel, at the crown of the head, opens next to allow a bright white light (imagine it like a laser beam) to descend from directly above, straight down through the already rotating Chakras (which are sending energy up), and connect with the ground. This white light is known as the "divine" light and if it makes it easier, imagine it twining with the rising energy to create a sort of helix (energy coming, energy going it might make it easier to visualize).

  10. At this point, the two-way energy should be causing breathing to increase slightly, and the spine to straighten as the energy rises up the spine to meet the energy that is, in turn, cascading down it. This two-way helix is self-generating in that the descending "divine" light/energy feeds the Kundalini that is rising from the base of the spine.

  11. Now imagine that white "divine" light (that laser beam) to be expanding outward from the "beam" of its original path, expanding outward until it encompasses every molecule of the body…hot, white light, so hot and intense that it absorbs every negative thought, every fear, turning them instantly to ash.

  12. At this point, allow an interior wind to blow the ash away, effectively removing the negative thoughts and fears.

And the Chakra clearing is complete. 

As stated above, for many, this will be all that is needed to clear the Chakra system. Combined with a careful lifestyle, regular meditation, and some sort of balancing activity (such as yoga or martial arts), self-clearing of the Chakras should be sufficient. If, however, problems persist, it may be time to see a professional energy healer.

Peace and Blessings! If you enjoyed this article, I’m sure you’ll appreciaLOVE these too: 


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