6 Yoga Postures for Strength & Flexibility

I ❤ Yoga. Out of the many ways to move my body, yoga is the most satisfying. Life can get bat shit crazy at times (good crazy included) and sometimes when I’m GOING through what I’m GROWING through, I internalize stress in my body, especially my shoulders. I am becoming more intentional with releasing the tension in my body and also my mind more frequently by taking “it” (stress and built-up tension) to the mat. 

There are tons of yoga postures that can be done to help stretch your entire body and release tension. Yoga is also an effective way to tone muscles and joints, improve flexibility, and improve your balance. 

Here are some yoga postures that I practice often: 

Tree Pose 

The tree pose is a beginner yoga posture that will help stretch your whole body. For the pose, you will stand straight, bring your hands together as if you were praying, and raise them over your head. As you are standing with your hands above your head, take one leg and bend the knee and rest that foot on the inner thigh of your other leg. 

Hold the yoga posture for about 30 seconds and then repeat it with the next leg. As you are doing the pose, you will be stretching your whole body, from your toes to your fingertips.


I Am intentionally moving my body more each day! 

Downward Facing Dog

This yoga pose is a great way to work your overall flexibility. It will help calm the nervous system while toning your arms and legs.

To create the pose, sit on your hands and knees, place your hands down with your palms facing down. You will be forming your body into an inverted V-shape. To do that, lift your knees off the ground and then lift your buttocks and hips towards the ceiling. To complete the pose, push the top of your thighs back and stretch your heels down. 

Child’s Pose

The next pose will go right from the Downward-Facing Dog posture that we went over above. This yoga pose is a healing pose that will leave you grounded and relaxed as you alleviate any stress you have.

To do the Child’s Pose, from the Downward-Facing Dog posture, bend your knees and lower your buttock to your heels. Then, bring your chest toward the floor and lower your shoulders and your head to the floor. Your arms should be stretched along your legs with your palms near your feet.


Reverse Prayer

The Reverse Prayer pose helps increase the strength and flexibility in the chest, shoulders, and arms. It also helps to lower stress and anxiety.

To perform this pose, stand in mountain pose and bend your knees slightly. Relax your shoulders, and bring your hands behind your back and slowly join your palms together in prayer pose with your fingertips facing down. On the next inhale, slowly turn your fingertips in toward your spine until they face up. Take 5 deep breaths and when you’re ready, slowly come out of the pose as you came in.

More Yoga Postures and Their Benefits

The Bridge is a great way to strengthen your spine and open your chest. It is great for hip joints, stimulating your thyroid, and improving your spinal flexibility.

The Warrior Pose is meant to help relax your body and your mind. As you are relaxing, it also strengthens the muscles in your knees, stretches your shoulders, and strengthens your legs.

The Easy Pose is a calming exercise that can help lower anxiety levels. It can even be helpful with easing the menstrual pain in women.

Yoga has become popular because of its health benefits. Not only are you exercising, but you are also stretching core muscles, reducing stress, and rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit as you do each pose.

Peace and Blessings! If you enjoyed this article, I’m sure you’ll appreciaLOVE these too: 


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